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Track INFORMATOR 1 Satellite in Real Time

Detailed information about INFORMATOR 1 satellite

Designator id: 1991-006A

Description of INFORMATOR 1 Satellite:

Informator was a prototype satellite for the Koskon (Space Conversion) Global Space Communication Systems. It was launched from the Plesetsk cosmodrome by a Kosmos launch vehicle. The 600 kg satellite was inserted into an orbit of 960 km by 1,010 km at an inclination of 83 degrees under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Geology. It was developed by the Polet Production Association and the Elas Scientific Production Association and was cylindrical in nature (1.8 m in diameter, 4 m in height) with two solar panels designed to produce 1kW average power. Like Gonets, Informator 1 relied on gravity gradient stabilization as was projected to have an operational lifetime of 5 years or more. It also carried the Soviet RS14 and the German RUDAK 2 amateur satellite transponders as piggy-back payloads. Exactly one week after the launch of these amsat transponders, two more, RS12 and RS13, were placed in a virtually identical orbit as secondary payloads to the Kosmos 2123 navigation satellite.

Technical data:

Launch Date: 1991-01-29
Launch Vehicle: Cosmos
Launch Site: Plesetsk, U.S.S.R
Mass: 800.0 kg

Funding Agencies:

Unknown (U.S.S.R)


Earth Science

Source: Nasa

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 21087U 91006A   12338.54493885  .00000104  00000-0  93037-4 0  3880
2 21087 082.9440 188.6814 0035662 356.3951 003.6947 13.75118206 96319

Last TLE update on :2012-12-04

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