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Track INMARSAT 2-F2 Satellite in Real Time

Detailed information about INMARSAT 2-F2 satellite

Designator id: 1991-018A

Description of INMARSAT 2-F2 Satellite:

Inmarsat 2-F2 was a maritime satellite launched using a Delta launch vehicle from Cape Canaveral Air Force Base for the International Maritime Satellite Organization. It operated a total of four INMARSAT-2 satellites. Launched between 1990-92, they each had a capacity equivalent to about 250 INMARSAT-A voice circuits.

The spacecraft was built by an international consortium headed by British Aerospace. Subcontractors included Hughes Aircraft Company, Fokker (The Netherlands), Matra (France), MBB (Germany), NEC (Japan), and Spar (Canada). Satellite ground control operations contractors included CLTC (China), CNES (France), SED (Canada), Telespazio (Italy) and Intelsat.

The INMARSAT-2s were three-axis-stabilized spacecraft based on the Matra/B Ae Eurostar platform. With a ten-year design life, each satellite has a 1,300 kg launch mass, reducing to an initial 800 kg in orbit. Initial power rating was 1,200 W.

The communications payload comprised two transponders supporting satellite- to-mobile (service) links in L-band (1.6GHz uplink, 1.5GHz downlink) and satellite-to-earth station (feeder) links in C-band (6.4GHz uplink, 3.6GHz downlink). Effective L-band isotropic radiated power (EIRP) was 39dBW. Each satellite's global beam covered roughly one-third of the earth's surface.

INMARSAT 2 F2 is now being used as a spare back-up to INMARSAT 3 F4 in the Atlantic Ocean Region.

Technical data:

Launch Date: 1991-03-08
Launch Vehicle: Delta
Launch Site: Cape Canaveral, United States
Mass: 800.0 kg

Funding Agencies:

Inmarsat (International)



Source: Nasa

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 21149U 91018A   12339.20234214  .00000114  00000-0  00000+0 0  2990
2 21149 008.5307 044.2727 0003256 207.5741 112.4558 01.00270358 79659

Last TLE update on :2012-12-04

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