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Track MOS 1A (MOMO 1) Satellite in Real Time

Detailed information about MOS 1A (MOMO 1) satellite

Designator id: 1987-018A

Description of MOS 1A (MOMO 1) Satellite:

The Marine Observation Satellite (MOS-1) was Japan's first earth observation satellite. The three-axis stabilized spacecraft carried (1) a Multispectral Electronic Self-scanning Radiometer (MESSR) that collected data from both land and sea, (2) a Visible and Thermal Infrared Radiometer (VTIR) to measure sea surface temperature, (3) a Microwave Scanning Radiometer (MSR) to provide information on sea ice, snowfall, water vapor content at the ocean and in the atmosphere, and (4) a Data Collection System (DCS) transponder to collect observation data from drifting buoys. The spacecraft had a box-type shape with deployable solar panels. It was composed of two cubes, a bus module and a mission module, on which the three sensors were mounted. The spacecraft followed a sun-synchronous orbit with equatorial crossings in the descending node maintained between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. local time. The mission life was designed to be 2 years.

Technical data:

Launch Date: 1987-02-19
Launch Vehicle: N-2
Launch Site: Tanegashima, Japan
Mass: 750.0 kg

Funding Agencies:

National Space Development Agency (NASDA) (Japan)


Earth Science

Source: Nasa

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 17527U 87018A   12338.93941556 -.00000216  00000-0 -11154-3 0  1263
2 17527 099.1396 305.3343 0008187 166.1851 193.9540 14.02111493317327

Last TLE update on :2012-12-04

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