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Track OSCAR 22 (UoSAT 5) Satellite in Real Time

Detailed information about OSCAR 22 (UoSAT 5) satellite

Designator id: 1991-050B

Description of OSCAR 22 (UoSAT 5) Satellite:

UOSAT 5 was launched from the Kourou Space Center in French Guiana on the same Ariane rocket with ORBCOMM-X, TUBSAT and SARA. Built by the University of Surrey, UOSAT 5 was a 50-kg commsat that stored and forwarded electronic mail messages. The rectangular craft measured 0.35 by 0.35 by 0.6 m and was topped with a 6-m antenna. It also hosted radiation effects experiments and a CCD camera for 2-km resolution imaging.

Technical data:

Launch Date: 1991-07-17
Launch Vehicle: Ariane 40
Launch Site: Kourou, French Guiana
Mass: 48.4 kg

Funding Agencies:

University of Surrey (United Kingdom)



Source: Nasa

Two Line Element Set (TLE):
1 21575U 91050B   12338.94222422  .00000090  00000-0  42973-4 0  5892
2 21575 098.6187 297.6951 0007025 186.8544 173.2549 14.40056609122843

Last TLE update on :2012-12-04

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